Finishing off the bag

Turn the bag through and finish it off

Now to turn the bag through to the right side. Put your hand through the gap and reach down to the bottom, grab hold of the lining and pull it back through the gap.

The rest of the bag will follow so just ease and wiggle it through.

When completely turned through tuck the lining down inside the bag and roll the seam around the top edge so that the seam is right on the edge of the bag. The gap will still be visible so tuck in the seam allowances and press the seam.

Edge stitch the seam all the way around the top edge of the bag making sure to pull the handles back out of the way. I found it easier to swing the needle over to the left so I could sew nice and close to the handles. As you sew around the top edge you will sew over the gap closing it.

Give everything a good press. Now you have your finished Arden Bag!

Don’t forget to show us how your own Arden bag turns out. You can share your pictures in the Community over on Slack.